
Showing posts from December, 2020

How To Make Lilac Sugar

This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small percentage of the sale if you choose to purchase something from the links at no extra cost to you. This is because  Mama Needs Money, Too! This seemed like such an easy AND pretty DIY that I had to make it for myself! Though I didn’t take as many pictures as I normally would, the process is pretty self explanatory. First pick your lilacs! I found this wasp hanging out in the flowers in my basket while I was picking them. She was very photogenic and agreed to leave me alone while I collected my flowers, so long as I also left her alone too. I collected enough bunches to make at least a cup of just the flowers, no steam or leaves.  Time to separate the flowers! You want to make sure you keep any green bits out of this mix as they can have a bitter taste.  Layer it up! Now all you have to do is put a layer of sugar on the bottom of your jar, then pile a layer of your lilac flowers on...

Why Succulents AREN’T Beginner Plants

This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small percentage of the sale if you choose to purchase something from the links at no extra cost to you. This is because  Mama Needs Money, Too! I know this is going to probably go against everything anyone has ever told you about this subject. I used to believe they were easy to care for plants, and they totally can be! But here it goes! The number one reason they shouldn’t be recommend to beginners, They don’t want lots of water! If we refer back to my  previous post  on overwatering, you will understand. Beginners most of them time try and water their plants everyday or every couple of days, when succulents actually prefer to dry out a LOT between waterings! I have a couple of them myself, and I try and water them only once a month or so. Some succulents, depending on the type, will show you they are thristy by getting a little wrinkly, but not all of them do. Another reason is ...

The Number One Way You Are Killing Your Plants!

This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small percentage of the sale if you choose to purchase something from the links at no extra cost to you. This is because  Mama Needs Money, Too! I always have people asking me how I do it, how I have 65+ plants and am able to take care of them every day. But the truth it, I really don’t. I know, that seems weird. But listen, the thing people always come at me with is “So I have this plant and I think it’s dying. What am I doing wrong? It’s in the window and I water it everyday! What’s going on?!” If you read that and didn’t notice the BIG red flag, I’m going to tell you what you are doing wrong! You over water your plants! I have to break it to ya, but it’s true. DON’T water your plants everyday. Heck, I don’t really follow a schedule when it comes to my plants. Most plants will tell you when they are thirsty. The best rule of thumb is to water your plants about once a week, but also to just touc...

5 Plants For The Beginner Green Thumb

This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small percentage of the sale if you choose to purchase something from the links at no extra cost to you. This is because  Mama Needs Money, Too! It’s no secret that I love plants! And while I am no expert, I’m very much a beginner myself in a lot of ways, I’m here today to share the top 5 plants I think are best for beginners! Let’s waste no time! Number 1: Snake plant or Sansevieria This plant is SO easy to care for! It prefers less water, about once a month but I’ll be honest and say I’ve gone longer then that and it’s still alive! They can live anywhere from high to low light, but remember that the less sun it has the less growth you will see. But it will survive. Number 2: Heartleaf Philodendron This baby is a great one if you want one that vines! They grow long and beautiful heart shaped leaves! They prefer to have their soil dry out between waterings, they will let you know by getting dropp...