
Showing posts from January, 2020

How To Make Lilac Sugar

This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small percentage of the sale if you choose to purchase something from the links at no extra cost to you. This is because  Mama Needs Money, Too! This seemed like such an easy AND pretty DIY that I had to make it for myself! Though I didn’t take as many pictures as I normally would, the process is pretty self explanatory. First pick your lilacs! I found this wasp hanging out in the flowers in my basket while I was picking them. She was very photogenic and agreed to leave me alone while I collected my flowers, so long as I also left her alone too. I collected enough bunches to make at least a cup of just the flowers, no steam or leaves.  Time to separate the flowers! You want to make sure you keep any green bits out of this mix as they can have a bitter taste.  Layer it up! Now all you have to do is put a layer of sugar on the bottom of your jar, then pile a layer of your lilac flowers on top of that. Once you h

Self Care Tips To Practice In 2020

This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small percentage of the sale if you choose to purchase something from the links at no extra cost to you. This is because  Mama Needs Money, Too! Now I’m not normally one to make “resolutions” or anything. Mostly because I know for a fact it I won’t keep up with it. Which is kinda why I decided to wait to write this until almost February, I didn’t want to join in the “New Year New You!” BS that seems to happen in the beginning of January.  I wanted this to be a little different then just taking care of your skin, or starting a new diet, or taking a bubble bath every Sunday. I wanted these self care tips to aid in mental health, and growth!  Here are 5 year self care tips you can add to your new year! Unfollow Instagram accounts that make you feel badly about yourself Or Facebook accounts, or twitter accounts, or YouTube, or TikTok or freaking ANY social media account for th

Thrift With Me: My Recent Thrift Store Finds

This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small percentage of the sale if you choose to purchase something from the links at no extra cost to you. This is because  Mama Needs Money, Too! Ahhh thrifting. My FAVORITE hobby! Not only can thrifting save you money, but it also helps save the planet! Did you know that clothing and shoes contribute more waste than glass and plastic combined?! Look at fast fashion and how quickly things go in and out of style. Better yet, how quickly things just seem to fall apart anymore. Maybe one day I’ll write a post all about my opinion on that whole topic, but for now if you are reading this, YOU want to see what I found at the thrift store! And I am excited to show you so here we go! Now one of these I purchased but the others I didn’t. I don’t purchase to sell or anything like that, maybe some day that will be in my future. But I shop secondhand mostly for home decor items, or crafty t