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Now I’m not normally one to make “resolutions” or anything. Mostly because I know for a fact it I won’t keep up with it. Which is kinda why I decided to wait to write this until almost February, I didn’t want to join in the “New Year New You!” BS that seems to happen in the beginning of January.
I wanted this to be a little different then just taking care of your skin, or starting a new diet, or taking a bubble bath every Sunday. I wanted these self care tips to aid in mental health, and growth!
Here are 5 year self care tips you can add to your new year!
Unfollow Instagram accounts that make you feel badly about yourself
Or Facebook accounts, or twitter accounts, or YouTube, or TikTok or freaking ANY social media account for that matter! Tall, perfect, beautiful individuals who sell “skinny teas” and appetite suppressing suckers.
Unfollow them.
Even if it’s a family member, a best friend, or your boss. If looking at them on social media makes you feel badly about yourself in ANY way, unfollow, unfriend, and no stalking. Block them if you have to to keep yourself away.
I promise you, you’ll feel better.
Let go of unhealthy relationships
This one kind of goes along with the first one, but it’s still important to add I feel.
For me personally, this means cutting out a lot of family members. But sometimes, that’s okay.
If spending time with certain people drains your energy levels and/or threatens your mental health, drop them.
Stop the negative self talk
Stop it. Retrain your brain! Yes it’s going to be hard, but YOU are worth it! Even if it doesn’t seem like it to you, tell yourself that YOU ARE!
Replace negative or degrading thoughts with good ones. Instead of, “I’m lazy” say to yourself “I’m listening to my body’s needs.” Don’t say “I can’t do it” say “I can try.” And so on.
It’ll take time, but you got this babe.
Set realistic goals
Set lots of little goals actually. Seemingly “small” goals so it’ll help you reach bigger ones! This is something that I struggle with, I am a recovering perfectionist and need to remind myself that I can get things done, so setting smaller goals helps me reach that.
And last but not least...
Do what you love
Even if you don’t think others will like it, do it anyway. Even if you think you will fail, do it anyway.
If “doing” becomes a chore, change it. It might take you releasing that you do a lot of things you don’t love, to realize what you DO love.
Being happy is honestly the biggest goal. And that’s all you really should strive to be; happy.
What are some things you are adding to your self care list?
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