How To Make Lilac Sugar

This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small percentage of the sale if you choose to purchase something from the links at no extra cost to you. This is because  Mama Needs Money, Too! This seemed like such an easy AND pretty DIY that I had to make it for myself! Though I didn’t take as many pictures as I normally would, the process is pretty self explanatory. First pick your lilacs! I found this wasp hanging out in the flowers in my basket while I was picking them. She was very photogenic and agreed to leave me alone while I collected my flowers, so long as I also left her alone too. I collected enough bunches to make at least a cup of just the flowers, no steam or leaves.  Time to separate the flowers! You want to make sure you keep any green bits out of this mix as they can have a bitter taste.  Layer it up! Now all you have to do is put a layer of sugar on the bottom of your jar, then pile a layer of your lilac flowers on...

Why I’m STILL Breastfeeding My Two Year Old.

Breastfeeding is a journey I don’t think I will ever forget. I was able to breastfeed my oldest son for a year, and he pretty much just self weaned. That kid was so easy! I could go on!

My second son on the other hand, he turned two in June 2019 and he’s STILL just a nursing away! He always walks up to me and says “Boob please!” and then attempts to rip off my shirt.

Without rambling on and on about my boys, let’s get on into WHY I’m STILL breastfeeding my two year old son! Let’s begin.

First and for most

Because it’s my f***ing body!
Yeah I had to go there. But if you are reading this because someone sent it it you, they are just trying to say “I’m breastfeeding, because I can.” And honestly, that’s the only thing that matters!

It makes him happy, no matter what!
For my son, it’s comforting. If he falls down; boobs. If he bounces his head off the table for the 10,000th time this week; boobs. Him and his brother are fighting? Boobs! His plate is the wrong shade of blue? You guessed it! Boob to the rescue! It really does make it so much easier!

It’s healthy!
Want a way to make sure your toddler is getting all that they need? Magical breast milk! Your milk changes all the time to suit your baby/toddlers needs, meaning that mouthful of dirt or dried stepped on leaves doesn’t matter! It doesn’t matter if they filled up on dog food, boobs can make sure they don’t get low on vitamins or what have you.

And lastly...

Because he won’t be a baby forever.
Every time my son pokes me in the eye, stuffs his toes in my mouth, or pushes my phone out of my hand, I remind myself, “Some day, this will all be a memory. And you are going to miss it.”
I know I’ll miss it, because I missed it after my oldest weaned. And I also know that your toddler really won’t nurse forever. Soon they will be leaving with friends, crying over broken hearts, and so much more. And you will think back to these moments and wonder how they grew up so fast!

Thanks for reading! How long did you nurse your babies for? Or how long are you hoping to breastfeed for?


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